• The SmartVac 464 walk-behind vacuum sweeper revolutionizes commercial floor cleaning, boasting a cleaning speed 10x faster than upright vacuums.
  • The 512 walk-behind vacuum sweeper has run a run time of up to 4.5 hours and brings a new level of productivity for vacuum sweeping both hard and soft floors.
  • The 1050 ride-on vacuum sweeper is a compact ride-on sweeper that is the perfect step-up from a walk behind sweeper. It can fit through a standard doorway, yet still clean up to 55,000 square per hour.
  • The 1404 ride-on vacuum sweeper features a wide range of accessories and is the largest sweeper that IPC offers. It can clean up to 113,000 square feet an hour, and has the ability to perform on a 20% incline.

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to upgrade your cleaning routine!
