Reverse Osmosis Window Cleaning Systems provide professional window cleaning results in simple-to-use machines and telescopic poles that provide great results, save money, and improve the look of your facilities.
Below are just a few of the many reasons to take this cleaning solution from the future and utilize it today!
Safe – Clean windows up to 5 stories high safely from the ground
- Reduce the risk of falls by never leaving the ground
- Reduce the time it takes to clean by not moving and climbing up and down ladders
- Telescopic and sectional poles reach up to 5 stories from the ground
- Easy to use and transport

Chemical free – Pure water is an incredible cleaner
Water in its pure form is not stable and will quickly solubilize soils. By purifying the water, it becomes a cleaning solution. By spraying the pure water through a telescopic pole while brushing, the glass will quickly release and hold the soil from the glass. Just give the glass a quick rinse and it is spot free.
Fast – Pure water clean is significantly faster than cleaning with hand tools
Cleaning that took hours, now can be done in minutes.

Easy – Anyone can now do the work and get results of a professional window cleaner
- Minimal Training needed
- Machine hooks up directly to tap line
- Connect water-fed pole and brush
- Turn on water
- Machine does all the work (DI filters, Reverse Osmosis)
Save Money – Minimal training allows you to easily and safely clean your exterior windows in-house
Save more money without the need to outsource your window cleaning needs.

Window Health – Better appearance and extended life
- The speed and lower operating cost allows for more frequent cleaning. Even though you have your windows cleaned once or twice a year, there can be months when your windows just are noticeably dirty.
- Frequently clean entry ways. The first impression your customers and employees have of your facility is your entrance. Smudges, spider webs, bird droppings. It only takes minutes to keep your entrance look inviting.
- Longevity and window health improved. Pollution can attack and degrade the seals of windows. Pure water cleaning will thoroughly clean and flush out the seals in the window to extend the life.
- Residue/streak-free Windows stay clean longer
- Glass does not attract debris/dirt. You may not see it but cleaning with chemicals will leave a residue on the glass. The same way chemicals attract soil during cleaning, the residue will attract residue from the air.
Clean Frames and Exterior Surfaces
Window tools can clean the glass but not the frames. There is nothing worse than spending time and money to clean the glass just to look out and see dirty frames. Cleaning frames is a part of the normal process of pure water cleaning. Pure water systems can easily be used on smooth exterior surfaces as well to maintain a good appearance.
Solar Panels – Pure Water cleaning is a fast and effective wat to clean solar panels.
There is a wide variety of systems to clean from residential to commercial, and even systems for cleaning solar farms.

The IPC Eagle UltraPure systems are the pioneer of Reverse Osmosis window cleaning systems introducing its first high flow water purifiers over 15 years ago and is the leader today.

Keeping your windows clean can be a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be – contact IPC today to request a demonstration.